The Ram’s Horn with Dr. Nail Nipper | Bonus: Oncology at BluePearl

Oncology at BluePearl

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Finding out that your pet has cancer can be devastating. It is often the family veterinarian who makes the initial diagnosis. An oncology team at BluePearl is then involved when deciding on a treatment plan. If chemotherapy is elected, pet owners should know that dogs and cats handle chemotherapy well. This treatment is used to improve the quality of the pet’s life while increasing lifespan. With our board-certified oncologists and their teams administering chemotherapy, pet owners can be reassured that state-of-the-art treatments are used alongside the highest level of training and knowledge. Our BluePearl oncologists often confer with surgeons, radiologists, and other specialists when treating cancerous tumors like mast cell carcinoma. Radiation therapy is sometimes used with chemotherapy in the case of cancerous tumors.