Medical Extractions | Bonus: Veneers Explained

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Dental veneers are sheets made of different materials that allow us to correct small tooth defects, both in form and size and color. It partially covers the tooth that must be previously prepared. With them we can achieve excellent aesthetic results getting significant aesthetic changes to the patient. Each case requires a previous analysis where the smile line, tooth position, lips, gums and all tissues of the face in general are evaluated. The gums have the same or more importance as teeth. The gingiva is the frame where the tooth is the picture. Once the case is analyzed, a personalized treatment is performed. We must remember that there are never 2 identical mouths and that not everything is for everyone. For its placement, the affected teeth must be previously prepared. The tooth surface is then acid-etched for a few seconds and then washed with water. The veneers are then prepared and placed on the prepared teeth. Finally, they are light-cured to finalize their adhesion to the teeth.